Press release: A revolutionary Golf Impact Spray for more training success / Product launch at PGA, Orlando

Dear Sig. Francesco Paolo Scaduto,

With the new impact spray “Xpact Pro”, golfers can improve their accuracy and thus their level of play in a targeted manner. Xpact Pro is sprayed onto the club face before the shot, so that after the shot it is possible to see exactly where the ball impacts on the clubface.

PGA Show:
Xpact Pro will debut at the PGA Show in Orlando (USA) from January 24-27, 2023. PGA: Booth 4116

Video to Xpact Pro:

Please find our press release some and photos enclosed. If you require more information, just send an email. We will be glad to answer you as soon as possible.

With best regards

Maren Röding

Press/PR for Xpact Pro

Technikpresse Maren Röding



