16th Concours Géza Anda 2024 – Jury, Rules, Repertoire

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****** 16th Concours Géza Anda 2024 – Jury, Rules, Repertoire
The Géza Anda-Foundation is delighted to announce the jury, rules and repertoire of the 16th international piano competition Concours Géza Anda (geza-anda.ch/concours-2024/) .
The competition takes place between 30th May and 8th June 2024 in Zurich and Winterthur, Switzerland and is open to participants from all countries who are born after 30th May 1992.
Franz Xaver Ohnesorg will chair the jury, the jury members are: Martha Argerich, Ricardo Castro, Zlata Chochieva, Lucas Debargue, Konstanze Eickhorst, Toshio Hosokawa, Robert Levin and Dénes Várjon.
The Mozart-Semifinal with Musikkollegium Winterthur will be conducted by Mikhail Pletnev, the Final with the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich by Paavo Järvi.
Registration opens on 19th November 2023.
The rules and repertoire of the Concours Géza Anda 2024 can now be found on geza-anda.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Rules-and-Re pertoire-CGA-2024_en.pdf
Contact: Géza Anda-Foundation Phone: +41 (44) 205 14 23 mailto:markus.wyler@geza-anda.ch

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